Mobile Rollforming

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BlueScope Lysaght’s mobile roll forming offer provides not only the benefits of Lysaght’ roofing solutions but numerous other advantages for greater design pessibilities.
Mobile Rollforming


The elimination of transportation challenges, step joints, minimising the possibility of leaks and the long clean lines while reducing the number of purlins reguired to support cladding are obvious benefits to the combined of Lysaght long length profiles and mobile rollforming offer. The speed of installation is greatly increased and that has obvious attractions for roofing contractors.

Some of the benefits of BlueScope Lysaght's Mobile Rollforming offer:

Experienced BlueScope Lysaght staff for assistance throughout entire project

Concealed fixing system overcomes thermal expansion challenges

Less product handling preserves 'mint' condition of cladding

Products scheduling matched to labour scheduling

Ability to supply long lengths without joints

Cost reduction through elimination of step joints

Less ongoing maintenance issues and cost savings

Potential for shorter installation time frame

Less ongoing maintenance issues and cost savings

Construction cost savings

Fewer transport and site handling issues

Reduced cranage costs lifting roof sheeting to roof

Lysaght Roll on Site